Scripture Song of Psalm 125:5-6
“They That Sow In Tears Shall Reap In Joy”
Commentary on Psalm 125:5-6
by Living Faith Fellowship
God never promised us a life free from grief and tears, but He did promise that none of those tears would be wasted (Psa. 56:8). Sorrow comes to the godly and the ungodly alike, but the tears of the world fall without hope or purpose. The tears of God's children serve to water the precious seeds of our trust in Him. As our trials grow more difficult, so that trust grows deeper and more meaningful, and so communion with our Savior becomes closer.
One day the harvest will come. What we have sown in the tears of earth, we will reap in the joy of Heaven. There our Lord, who Himself bore our griefs and carried our sorrows, will wipe away all tears from our eyes. The sorrow of the sowing will be forgotten in the rejoicing of eternity, and we will never cry again.
Commentary ©2012 Hebron Christian Fellowship. Unaltered text may be reproduced freely without financial gain.
Psalm 125:5-6
Verbatim KJV. Words or verses not included in song replaced with "..."
- They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
- He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.