“Ave O Jesu”
Lyrics ©2001 Jettie Hitchcock and Jennie McIntire.

A note from the author
Some years ago, I enlisted the help of our resident linguist, Jennie, in composing an alternate set of lyrics to the classical masterpiece known as Schubert's Ave Maria.
Like Mary herself, who proclaimed: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior" (Luke 1:46), it is our desire that those who hear these words, together with Schubert's beautiful melody, will be inspired to exalt the Living God, Jesus Christ!
- Jettie Hitchcock

The album art for Ave O Jesu shows an actual cloud formation that appeared above our Missouri home a few summers ago. The shape seemed to remarkably depict Jesus as our Intercessor, with arms oustretched for a world much in need.
Ave O Jesu!
Dei Fili, Ave!
Tu Liberator dulcis mundi
Et Salvator beatissime
Te amamus cordibus totis, Jesu
Nos enim amavisti tu
Pro peccatoribus occisus es
Sumpsisti onera nostra in te
Dignissimum laude Te laudamus
Laudem nostram accipe!
Ave O Jesu!
Hail O Jesus!
Hail, O Son of God!
Sweet Savior of the earth
Most blessed Redeemer
We love you, Lord, with all of our hearts
For You first loved us
And thus laid down Your life for sinners
That You might take our burdens from us
So we praise You, most worthy of praise,
We praise You
Receive, we beseech Thee, our praise
Hail O Jesus!
Ave O Jesu!
Noster elate Rex regum!
Victor ex sepulchro ascendisti
Et Dominus iam es omnium
Nomen Tuum semper extollatur
Et benedicatur
Es Deus noster, Immanuel
Cum Tuo Sanguine nos emisti
Es Primceps pacis et fortis Redemptor
O Jesu
Te laudant redempti tui
Ave O Jesu!
Hail O Jesus!
Thou, our exalted King of Kings!
From the grave You arose in glorious triumph
To take dominion over all things
May Your Name be highly exalted and blessed
For ever more
O Son of God who came to earth to dwell
To lose Your life and make us free
O Prince of Peace and Mighty Redeemer
Lord Jesus
Thy ransomed ones worship Thee
Hail O Jesus!